Guidelines for donating

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The Mission to Seafarers Brisbane Inc. is an independent not for profit incorporated association and registered charity.

Our objective is to meet the practical, welfare and spiritual needs of seafarers of all races and creeds visiting the Port of Brisbane.

We work to assist any seafarer who is in need of support and care or in necessitous circumstances or injured or in distress in the Port of Brisbane.

We endeavour to provide a place of safety, rest, relaxation and comfort to seafarers visiting the Port of Brisbane and, in particular, to provide a means of communication with family and other loved ones.

The Mission to Seafarers Brisbane Inc. is fully compliant with both Commonwealth and Queensland Acts for a charity and incorporated association and has management and governance measures in place to comply with the ACNC, ATO and Qld OFT regulatory compliance requirements.

The Mission reports annually under its incorporation requirements to the Qld Office of Fair Trading providing the annual report and audited financial statement as a Level2 Association under the Act.

The Mission to Seafarers Brisbane a Registered Charity in Queensland CH2171 and reports to the Australian Charities and Not for profits Commission providing the annual report and audited financial statement.

Additionally the Mission has MOUs in place with both The Port of Brisbane P/L and Brisbane Marine Pilots P/L for the welfare of seafarers in the port of Brisbane. Under these MOUs each party is provided with a Mission annual report and audited financial statement and can review the Mission’s operations at any time.

The Mission also provides an annual report and audited financial statement to the Archbishop through the Anglican Church Southern Queensland Diocese office, to the Regional Director of the Mission to Seafarers – Australia and Papua New Guinea and to the Secretary General of the Mission to Seafarers St Michael Paternoster Royal London.

From the above you can see that the Mission has a major requirement to maintain good governance over its operation and finances to meet the above extensive International, Australian and Queensland compliance requirements.

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